3. Training your model

Even tough training depends on your own model, we have prepared Trainers that can probably be used in any case.

3.1. Our trainers

  • They have a train_and_validate method that can be used to iterate on epochs (until a maximum number of iteration is reached, or a maximum number of bad epochs based on some loss).

  • They save a checkpoint folder after each epoch, containing all information to resume the training any time.

  • When a minimum loss value is reached, the model’s parameters and states are save in a best_model folder.

  • They save a good quantity of logs, both as numpy arrays (.npy logs) and online using Comet.ml.

  • They know how to deal with the BatchSampler (which samples a list of streamlines to get for each batch) and with the BatchLoader (which gets data and performs data augmentation operations, if any).

  • They prepare torch’s optimizer (ex, Adam, SGD, RAdam), define the learning rate, etc.

The train_and_validate’s action, in short, is:

for epoch in range(nb_epochs):
    if this_is_the_best_epoch:

Where train_one_epoch does:

for batch in batches:

And validate_one_epoch runs the batch but does not do the back-propagation.

Finally, run_one_batch is not implemented in the DWIMLAbstractTrainer class, as it depends on your model.

3.2. DWIMLTrainerOneInput

So far, we have prepared one child Trainer class, which loads the streamlines and one volume group. It can be used with the MainModelOneInput, as described earlier. This class is used by Learn2track and by TransformingTractography; you can rely on them to discover how to use it.

3.3. Our Batch samplers and loaders

3.4. Putting it all together

This class’s main method is train_and_validate():

  • Creates torch DataLoaders from the data_loaders. Collate_fn will be the sampler.load_batch() method, and the dataset will be sampler.source_data.

  • Trains each epoch by using compute_batch_loss, which should be implemented in each project’s child class, on each batch. Saves the loss evolution and gradient norm in a log file.

  • Validates each epoch (also by using compute_batch_loss on each batch, but skipping the backpropagation step). Saves the loss evolution in a log file.

After each epoch, a checkpoint is saved with current parameters. Training can be continued from a checkpoint using the script resume_training_from_checkpoint.py.

3.5. Visualizing logs

You can run “visualize_logs.py your_experiment” to see the evolution of the losses and gradient norm.

You can also use COMET to save results (code to be improved).

3.6. Trainer with generation
